Our Mission
May God's Blessings find you Grateful!
It is the Mission of this Ministry:
To help guide you into a closer walk with the Lord. We believe that His power and presence will enhance your life. It is our hope and prayer that you will find a desire in your heart:
* To be aware of every last chance opportunity and stay in the moment.
* To guide those who desire to have a lasting relationship with the Lord.
* To mentor young men; help them understand what it takes to get water from a rock.
* To be here for you, to hold you up when you're in the battle.
We pray that through our ministry the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you to your purpose in life, and that you will open your hearts to him and receive all that the Lord has promised to give you. |
Our Purpose
Is to reflect on Last Chances and to be aware of every Last Chance opportunity to stay in the Lord. This is the account of the two thieves who were crucified along with Jesus. One of the thieves took advantage of his last chance, and Jesus assures him that he would be in paradise with Him. The other thief did not take advantage of this last chance. In my life, in one way or another I have been a part of many last chances for people. There are two such stories that I would like to share:
First is Tink, my friend and brother. We first met in prison, Tink, an inmate and me, a volunteer Chaplain and also a salesman for a fire protection company. Tink was on the fire crew as well as attended the chapel services. Upon his release we worked together at a few jobs. I can attest to the change in his life. Tink since has gone home to be with the LORD, but his life and the memories will last forever. Inspiring everyone that knew him. Tink took advantage of his last chance.
The second is Babbet. Never in my life before or since, have I needed God's grace, mercy, and forgiveness than in my "last chance" with Babbet.
It was early on in my ministry. I was aware of a young lady by the name of Babbet, a deeply troubled soul. We had brief conversations in the preceding weeks. On this particular day, after the morning service at church, I followed my heart and reached out to her as we were greeting everybody at the door. We stepped aside and began a conversation. I allowed myself to be distracted. The encounter was brief, cut short. That was around 1:00pm, another last chance. How so? At 12:30am I received the call, Babbet was found. A suicide.
I failed GOD miserably, the worst failure of my life.
I understand God's grace and mercy and forgiveness for many things, none more than for my last chance with God's daughter, Babbet.
It's interesting to note that in all four gospels, the account of the two thieves appears only in Luke. If the LORD slid that one in, it must be worthy of consideration.
My Purpose
To be aware of every last chance opportunity possible. To be obedient to the Holy Spirit and be in that moment with the next son or daughter of God. Please join me in somebodies last chance. ~ Tim
Our Promise
To Be Aware of every chance opportunity and stay open to God's leading and direction.
To Mentor those in spiritual need; to help them understand the moment and that it is not too late!
To Be Here for you, as you will be there for others; to hold you up in prayer when you are in the midst of battle.
To Strive for more successes than failures.
To Guide those who desire to have a lasting relationship with the Lord.
And Most Assuredly, that there are no more Babbets and many more Tinks!